Ted Lasso Wiki

Jack Danvers was a recurring character featured in the Apple TV+ show, Ted Lasso. She was an Investor for Keeley Jones Marketing Firm KJPR, a billionaire, and the Ex-Girlfriend of Keeley Jones. At first, everyone assumed that she was a man based on her name alone, but changed their perception and their behavior when they found out that she was a business woman and their boss.


First Impression[]

Barbara announced to Keeley and Rebecca Welton that "Jack" might be coming to London during the weekend and she asked two tickets for AFC Richmond vs West Ham United F.C. match. Keeley was bewildered to find out that Jack was the Head of VC that funded her company, but Rebecca saved her from embarrassment and told Barbara that she would give them some seats from her suite.

At the London Stadium, Keeley was very nervous about the incoming meeting with her boss so she ran off to the loo. In the toilet, she discovered that she was having her period, and asked a woman next to her stall whether she had an extra tampon. Luckily, she had one and passed it to Keeley under the stall. Keeley babbled nervously, while noticing her fancy sparkly sneakers from her view, that she was under a lot of stress lately so her period suddenly appeared. Keeley thanked her and complimented her shoes, while the woman just laughed.

When Keeley arrived at the suite, Barbara introduced her to Jack Danvers; her boss and also a woman. Keeley was surprised to see her boss is a woman, and shocked to find out that Jack was the one who gave her the tampon after she glanced at her shoes. Shandy Fine mentioned that everyone thought that she was a man, and Leslie Higgins guessed that Jack was short from "Jacqueline", which she said no. She explained that her father wanted a son, but got a daughter instead, so he named her "Jack".

The second half of the match, every Richmond player played very dirty and aggressively. Many of them attacked or provoked the West Ham players, even physically fought them. Moe Bumbercatch tackled the Captain of West Ham very roughly, it earned the shorter player a red card. Keeley awkwardly told Jack that Moe was actually a very sweet young man in real life, but she didn't reply.

Rebecca, Keeley, Shandy, and Higgins were horrified watching the players behaving very roughly, especially when Keeley tried to read Jack's expression. She didn't want Jack to regret for funding KJPR who was also in liaison with Richmond.

When Rebecca stormed off after they lost the match, Keeley asked Jack and Barbara whether they had fun. Jack didn't answer, but Barbara sarcastically said that the violence was quite entertaining. Keeley only chuckled nervously and worried that the club really gave a bad impression. Keeley told Jack that Richmond was usually a lot better than the usual, and a lot nicer. Jack politely said that it was never great when a team gets more red cards than goals.

Shandy interrupted them and told her boss that at least Bantr was trending, because she changed the tagline for the app. She it into a hooking up app, and offered whether the users wants to have sex with Richmond players. Horrified, Keeley told Shandy that Bantr's app is not for sex or hooking up, but for relationship. Shandy loudly told her friend off that she tripled the subscriber in an hour, and it made Jack sighed in disappointment. Keeley, apologetically, told Jack that it was lovely to meet her. Jack only smiled and said it was also lovely to meet her, and she watched her leave.

Second Impression[]

Jack was having a meeting with Keeley and Barbara, and Keeley explained that they shouldn't adding more clients because that could mean less attention paid to the people they were already represent. Barbara disagreed and forcefully tell her bosses that they needed to hire more people because they already spread so thinly. However, Jack agreed with Keeley and said that KJPR was a small boutique firm that set them apart from other firms, and they should made the firm exclusive. Barbara, unenthusiastically, leave the meeting, and Jack mocked her behavior, which made Keeley laughed.

Shandy interrupted them and announced that she made a new app to rivaled Bantr; in which the app was about meeting and having sex with celebrities called "Star Fuckr". Shandy made a point to stare at Jack and told her that she was looking for investors. When Shandy left the room, Jack wondered whether she was still angry about the whole Bantr thing, and told Keeley that she need to fire her.

After Shandy was fired, Jack spent some time in KJPR and was shocked to see the meeting room was filled with some droppings. The room smelled awful and she discovered that there was a lamb on top of the table. Jack found out that Shandy had borrowed the lamb and put it in the building while it was pooping all over the room. Jack watched Keeley returned the lamb to Edward The Lamb Wrangler who advices him about not to lend his lamb to Shandy anymore and also to love someone for what they are not who they are, after he was promised to sleep with a celebrity.

Jack and Keeley canceled their plan for watching the football match between Richmond and Manchester City F.C., instead opted to spend some time together in KJPR office to drink. Both of them got drunk and they gotten closer together, and after having some girl talk, Keeley suddenly kissed Jack. She stopped the kissing and apologized, but Jack didn't mind the kiss and kissed her back.

Love Bombs[]

Jack and Keeley were officially dating, and during that time, she had been showering her girlfriend with a lot of expensive gifts and travels. One time, she gave Keeley the first edition of "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austin, and she even signed the book, practically destroying a priceless artifact just to pleased her girlfriend. Jack admitted that she could get very jealous and it was her way to own her girlfriend. In the office, Keeley was very nervous that their employees finding out that they were together and having a relationship.

Jack assured her that it was okay because they both were consenting adults, and she was also rich so they wouldn't get any trouble. She didn't care whether people finding out that they were together, so she announced to the employees, including Barbara, that they were in a relationship. When nobody object with the idea, they moved on.

Jack started to send her girlfriend flowers and gifts openly to the office, but then said sorry when Keeley felt that it was too much. She admitted that she came in too strong or too fast and promised to back off a little. Apparently, she gifted Keeley a piece of Croissant, but when her girlfriend bit into it, there was a gold ring. Jack swore that it would be the last gift she gave to her, however the woman was happy enough to see it. Keeley said that Jack needed to let her do something for both of them once in a while, so she took her for dinner at A Taste of Athens restaurant and got the best table, which is by the window.

Honeymoon's Over[]

While they were being intimate in bed, Jack invited Keeley to her father's polo charity and planned to introduce her to "uncle Bernie". This made her girlfriend excited and she said yes, before they were interrupted by a barrage of news from their phones. Apparently, there were many nude photos and videos of celebrities were leaked on the internet, and Keeley was one of the celebrities. Jack sent her an official apology statement via Barbara and instructed that she needed to share it through all social media. The statement basically stated that Keeley regretted the whole thing and shouldn't made the nude video in the first place, and it was a learning experience and a time to grow. It made Keeley upset because Jack made her ashamed about the video and she didn't even talk to her about it. Keeley showed the statement to Rebecca, and the older woman convinced that she didn't write the statement but her lawyer because the tone of the letter was very lawful. It made Keeley feel better but she was still upset. When they were together in Keeley's house, Jack admitted that her dad's lawyers got involved and wrote the statement. Her girlfriend then refused to post the official statement, but she assured her that she understood.

Jack forgot to tell Keeley that she cancelled the plan to go to the charity because she thought that it would be very overwhelming to see a lot of cameras and reporters. She apologized and offered her to go somewhere place instead, which was a mini golf place. As they spent some time together and had fun, they bumped to Allysa, Jack's friend from her university days. She introduced Keeley as her friend, which made her girlfriend surprised.

Jack informed Keeley that she had her lawyers to re-written the statement and wanted her to post it as soon as possible. Jack tried to reason and forced her to make an apology tour around the social media, which upset her. Jack admitted that it wasn't a good look for her reputation that the woman she was seeing and the company she funded had a porno online. Keeley was adamant that she wasn't going to apologize because it wasn't her fault that the video was leaked, but had a feeling that she was being blamed by her girlfriend for the leak.

Jack indeed blaming her for the video and told her that she shouldn't made the video in the first place because it wasn't something to be proud of. She was angry that Keeley didn't regret making the video and refused to do what she was told. She decided to leave and said that she didn't know whether she would come back. It was an ultimatum from her because Keeley refused to do her bidding, and she left.


Rebecca mentioned that in a way, Jack was very similar with her ex-husband Rupert Mannion. At first she was charming and really likeable, and when she liked Keeley, she would showered her with attention and expensive gifts. It was a form of control and power from her because she wanted to woo her lover. But when she didn't get what she want, she would get angry and would take away everything from her ex-lover, just like when Rupert did the same thing with Rebecca. Actress Jodi Balfour commented about her personality:

"I have to believe that if Jack was being her highest and purest self, this may not have been how she reacts. But there’s so much informing her response that actually has nothing to do with her beliefs, but more the way she’s been conditioned. The reality is, there are many women walking around who are still completely gripped by the patriarchy. It’s almost like there’s a code of conduct. The easiest analogy is it’s almost like royalty. There are very firm boundaries around those folks. I’ll also say, it allows her a certain privilege. She walks into that office and makes a claim to that space without seemingly much cost to her. I think that’s a direct privileged result of growing up the way she grew up, and existing in space the way she does, because she’s wealthy."
