Nora is a recurring character in the Apple TV+ series Ted Lasso, and Flo Collins's teenage daughter and also Rebecca Welton's goddaughter. She is approximately twelve to thirteen years old at the beginning of 2nd season.
Sassy mentioned that Rebecca and Nora used to sing "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?" from Frozen in the years before her best friend turned cold towards the mother and daughter.
When her mother has to attend a conference in Brighton, they visit Rebecca at her Richmond office. While her mother and godmother are talking, Nora is sitting outside and meets Ted Lasso for the first time. Ted is surprised to see a teen sitting at the secretary desk and asks whether she is a new around here, which she replies "To planet Earth?". Both of them banters for a while, which reminisces the situation when Ted met Sassy for the first time. Ted delivers the biscuits morning routine to Rebecca and happily greets Sassy, but asks who is the person sitting outside. Sassy confirms that it's her daughter but Ted is briefly worried that she was his child, to which she replied with an incredulous, "Ted, we had sex, like, six months ago."
Sassy explains that Nora will be staying at Rebecca's house while she attends a conference and tells her best friend to provide some tampons when her daughter's first period arrives. Rebecca promises that she will take care of Nora after haven't seen her for six years and will grant any wishes for her.
Nora and Rebecca are spending some time at a Tea Room café where the majority of the patrons are little children wearing princess gowns, and it embarrasses the godmother when she realizes that Nora is no longer six years old. Nora assures her that it is fine and when Rebecca is going to get the bill, the young teen asks sarcastically whether the woman will coming back and won't be missing for another six years. Rebecca thinks that she deserves the remark, while Nora says that she was only joking, but there is a line of truth there.
Rebuilding Relationship[]
While they are sight-seeing at Richmond upon Thames, Rebecca offers to see The Mousetrap, an Agatha Christie show where murders happens every second, which Nora says it's up to her godmother but without any enthusiasm. Rebecca then points at a doll shop called The British Girl Shop where they sell historic concept dolls that depicted the previous eras, and asks whether Nora wants to pop in. Nora gently reminds Rebecca that she is no longer play with dolls but curious why all the British dolls are tragically orphaned - which Rebecca remarks that American dolls have a better historic concept because a misguided innate sense of triumph.
While they are talking, Roy Kent and his niece Phoebe walks out from the doll shop, carrying a new doll. Phoebe thanked her uncle for buying her a doll, and after seeing Rebecca and Nora, the four of them are leisurely walking around town. Rebecca says to Roy that it's been nice reconnecting with Nora but she's exasperated because it seems the teenager is not interested with the activities she organized, to which Roy explain that kids usually just want to feel included and being a part of their loved ones' lives, not just constantly being entertained by a schedule.
Later that night Rebecca asks Nora whether she wants to accompany her to work for a whole day and join her for meetings. She warns her it might be boring, but to her surprise, Nora actually wants to go with her and see how Rebecca runs a football team. Rebecca is delighted to hear that and ponder whether she finally get through her goddaughter.
Boss-Ass Bitch[]
At the office, Nora meets Leslie Higgins and Keeley Jones where Keeley mentions that she heard a lot about the teenager and how much she loves Sassy. When Keeley mentions that she is working on a new dating app called Bantr, Nora immediately interested and asks about the concept to Rebecca's surprise. Nora thinks that it's a cool project and seems to in-tune with the activity around the office, which delighted Rebecca. Keeley and Rebecca then explains players' contracts and the legality of it, which Nora understood completely. She swears but then immediately apologizes to the adults but it seems they don't mind.
When Sam Obisanya walks into the office, it's obvious that Nora has a crush on him. Rebecca introduces her goddaughter, and Sam mentions that he heard so much about Nora and his boss used to watch Frozen together. Sam likes the movie as well as it's a metaphor about puberty, which embarrassed Nora for hearing that. Sam then asks Rebecca and Keeley that he wants to pull out from Dubai Air advertisement because Dubai Air's parent company, Cerithium Oil is destroying the Nigerian environment and he can't be the face of one of their subsidiaries, in which Nora agrees. Sam apologizes to Keeley and Rebecca tells him that she will do something about it, and Nora is very happy to meet her favorite football player.
Rebecca calls one of Rupert Mannion's friends, Richard Cole; a CEO of the Ceritihium Oil and asks for a favor by telling him that Sam Obisanya can't be a part of Dubai Air ad campaign and she is hoping that he'd be able to make that go away without a fuss. The billionaire agrees with one condition; Rebecca needs to get rid of Sam Obisanya from AFC Richmond.
Facing with a dilemma, Rebecca is confused with what action she should take, but Nora tells a story about how she got in trouble for smoking in the school's bathroom - her friend 'Pimp' was busted by a teacher while she was hiding in the loo, and as the teacher reprimanded her friend, she decided to come out and faced the punishment together. Sassy freaked out and told her daughter to watch a three hour video about cancer, and the point she was trying to make is that "sometimes you have to do the right thing even if you lose".

Rebecca and Nora are bonding
Later that night, Rebecca writes an email to Richard Cole, while Nora is providing a colorful commentary next to her. Rebecca follows Nora's spoken and curses words but changes them with more formal words, although at the end she signs the email with "Sincerely, Boss-Ass Bitch".
Before the match against Coventry City FC, Sassy returns and sits with Rebecca and Nora at the VIP box, and watches Sam and the rest of the team covers the Dubai Air logo on their uniforms with black tape as an act of protest. Richard Cole texts Rebecca angrily but she doesn't reply and closes the phone, to which Nora happily look at her role model and says "Boss-Ass Bitch!". After the match, the team celebrates the loss in the locker room, and everyone joins in. Sassy asks Sam to take a picture with her and he happily obliges and even asks the team to pose some pictures with Nora. Both Sassy and Nora are now part of the Richmond family.
The Funeral[]
When Rebecca's father passed away, she returns to her parents' house and stays at her old room. Sassy climbs to her best friend's room and greets Deborah. She reminiscences that she used to climb to Rebecca's room when they were younger, and surprised that her daughter isn't like her as Nora falls down from the tree.
Nora finds out that Rebecca is having a secret relationship with Sam, but instead getting upset, she actually seems impressed. At the funeral, Nora and Sassy with the rest of mourners sings "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley as a support for Rebecca.